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Audacity 0.95


Audacity 0.95 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Audacity 0.95  Änderung der Registrierung

  • Installation/Compilation:
    • Improved configure script on unix systems (Joshua)
  • General User Interface:
    • Menu items are now disabled when unavailable
    • Online help added (Dominic and Logan)
  • Importing Audio:
    • Lazy import added, speeding up importing of PCM files by 2x
    • Added support for the Free libmpeg3 library on unix
  • to replace the proprietary xaudio (Joshua)
  • Importing MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files is now handled automatically
  • by the Open and Import commands.
  • Fixed the Import Raw Data feature, so now you can
  • import files of almost any arbitrary format (as long
  • as it's uncompressed).
  • Main window:
    • New track labels with a single integrated pop-up menu
  • to handle all track options
  • Vertical ruler added, along with preliminary support for
  • vertical zooming
  • Stereo tracks can be linked together so changes affect
  • both tracks
  • Point-sample display takes over when you zoom very far in
  • Two new wave displays: a dB (logarithmic) wave display and
  • a spectral pitch display (using enhanced autocorrelation)
  • Preferences:
    • New spectral display preferences
    • Temp directory can be set in preferences
  • Frequency display:
    • Many new frequency window enhancements, including support for cepstrum, autocorrelation, and enhanced autocorrelation.
  • Envelope editor:
    • Envelopes are now interpolated using decibels, making cross-fades sound much better
  • Effects:
    • Fixed a bug that caused incompatibility with many VST plug-ins.
    • Added Maximize Amplitude effect
    • Added Bass Boost effect (Paul)
  • Other:
    • Improved memory management over long Undo histories
    • Many more bug fixes

Audacity 0 Baut

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